Positive Speech Self-Love

Make Yourself a Priority: Connecting Positivity & Self-Love

August 7, 2022
A note reads: I can and I will. Watch me.

The last two tenets of Positivity and Self-Love are so closely related that I decided to combine them into one blog post.  Using affirmations to speak positivity over our life is a form of self-love, indeed. And, it feels so good, right?! I must admit, however, out of the Five Love Languages, Words of Affirmation is always DEAD last for me. Of course, it is nice to be affirmed but it’s not what I have typically needed to be shown…

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Living Intentionally

June 6, 2022
Picture of bulletin board with goals on sticky notes.

When I turned 35, I made the following post on Facebook and began using the hashtag #35i: It means a lot to feel love from my village! Thanks for all of the posts, calls, and texts. 35 revolutions…a long time coming and I am still here. I’ve been thinking about what 35 means and how many lists of 35 things I can make to accomplish, but it’s really simple…continue loving without limits, living with intention, trusting my intuition and creating…

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Blog Gratitude

Finding Peace in Gratitude

April 20, 2022

One of the easiest ways to find peace is through gratitude. With mindfulness many think about getting back to their breath. Lately I’ve been also practicing gratitude in addition to those moments of breath. It not only helps me focus but also helps me calm my mind, ease stress, and boost confidence. This method is a silent whisper and reassurance that everything will be ok. It’s the massage your heart may need to be soothed or the hug your spirit…

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Celebrating Your Life’s Achievements

March 7, 2022

2020 and 2021 were good years for me. They weren’t perfect, but they were good, and I’m grateful for the experiences. I lost my job in March 2020–the same day schools in our county shut down because of COVID-19. Our country went into lockdown for the pandemic shortly after that. For the third time in 17 years, my position was eliminated. I was good. I did not doubt that my family and I would be just fine. I wasn’t in…

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Setting Up and Respecting Boundaries

January 22, 2022

It’s interesting how boundaries and balance work hand-in-hand. Balancing is choosing how you want to spend your time. Boundaries deals with deciding who and what you will allow to take up space in your life, what you spend your energy on, and when or for how long those things you do allow in your life can stay. Some of the ways that we lose ourselves is not only in deciding how we spend our time, but it is also about who…

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Finding Balance in Life

April 19, 2021
Rocks balancing on top of each other

If there were one tenet that I was most consistently working on, it is balance.  My friends joke with me and say I must be Jamaican with all of the jobs I had or “you’re always doing something”. All of it has some truth to it. Between work, family, and  community commitments,  I have a lot going on.  There is always this constant struggle of not over-extending myself, over committing, and over scheduling my life. I enjoy being involved.  I am…

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Becoming Aware

April 4, 2021

The first time I decided to consistently see a therapist was in 2016, almost 4 years after my mother passed away. I had not so gracefully taken in my sister who was 14, separated and reconciled with my husband, changed jobs and was hanging on by a thread! The day before my sister’s high school graduation, I sat in her office and could not stop crying. Life was too much. During our session I took a call from my brother…

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