
Monee Elise's headshot

Monee, founder of More of Me by Me, resides in Atlanta and is a native of Hartford, Connecticut. She is a natural at rolling with the punches and tackling challenges that come her way. Life has taught Monee to pause and consider her needs in relationships, motherhood, and work. She became a mother as a college student at the age of 20 and became a wife shortly after. By 30 years old, she had two more children and a full-time, demanding career. At 32, Monee’s mom lost her battle to cancer and Monee took in her younger sister who was 14 at the time.

Life happens quickly! Four years later, Monee reached a breaking point and had to step away from work and lean into what she needed to be good for herself, her family, and her career. She realized that her life was in constant motion–it was full-speed ahead–without taking any time for grief or space to understand what she needed in her life to be happy.

She has spent the better part of the last five years taking that time to reflect, practice mindfulness, and be clear about her needs. She learned to make herself a priority. For this, she is a better wife, better mother, and better friend. Now is her time to share her learnings with other women. Her dream for all women is that they make themselves a priority. She is helping them get there through the nine tenets of More of Me. Follow her on Instagram, reach out to her, and sign up for the RSS feed to receive notifications on inspiring new blog posts.